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Penance RPG

Mar 22, 2019

Ever wondered what goes into writing a Penance RPG adaptation?
This time, from the ground up, we've got you covered.

We present ARCHIVE! A new companion series where Nikoli & Amy sit down and discuss the DM notes for each episode of Abyss as it happens.
This will include recaps of the previous Abyss episode, Nikoli's outline for the next episode and some details of how this compares to what the source material originally planned.

Hopefully Archive will satisfy the "behind the scenes" cravings we know some fans have for our DM notes and reasoning behind what we changed and why.

However, this will be the only episode of Archive we will be releasing on Libsyn, the rest will be released each week to our $3+ Patreon supporters. If you enjoy it, consider joining our Patreon!


All Music Was Written & Performed by Daniel Boström

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