Jun 26, 2022
We continue to bring you - PLUMMET!
This week, the party are tasked to investigate why deliveries have ceased from a nearby silver mine.
So join us now as we bring back this behemoth..
A fast paced comedy deathmatch with strong D&D overtones.
Prepare to Plummet
Learn more at Penancerpg.com
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Jun 19, 2022
There's a loud stranger in the square, who leads the villagers in to the swamp, but that's where the Darkspawn are!!
This is our first streamed non-DnD TTRPG campaign, watch on
Sunday 2.30pm BST at https://www.twitch.tv/penancerpg or catch up
on YouTube
Horror, co-op & Puzzle games are played most days with more...
Jun 12, 2022
We continue to bring you - PLUMMET!
This week, the party are given the simple task of guarding a banquet at a masquerade ball... What could go wrong?
So join us now as we bring back this behemoth..
A fast paced comedy deathmatch with strong D&D overtones.
Prepare to Plummet
Learn more at Penancerpg.com
Support us on
Jun 5, 2022
A strange rumour of a connection between hair and magic leads to unexpected consequences