Mar 26, 2023
A new party member, a controller of bees,
Wading through water with continued unease
This week the party continue to follow the arcana trail through a waterlogged dungeon...
So join us now as we bring back this behemoth..
A fast paced comedy deathmatch with strong D&D overtones.
Prepare to Plummet
Check out our...
Mar 19, 2023
Following the successful arrest, our intrepid recruits must head out to the ship that so scares an elf in custody...
This is our first streamed non-DnD TTRPG campaign, watch on
Sunday 2.30pm UK at or catch up on
Horror, co-op & puzzle games are played most days with more...
Mar 12, 2023
A magical ring, a fresh blood trail
Treacherous traps and a monkey in jail
This week the party follow a magical trail down under some ruined buildings...
So join us now as we bring back this behemoth..
A fast paced comedy deathmatch with strong D&D overtones.
Prepare to Plummet
Mar 5, 2023
Not particularly shaken by the loss of Jose, the rest of the party go to interrogate the suspected arsonist...
This is our first streamed non-DnD TTRPG campaign, watch on
Sunday 2.30pm UK at or catch up on
Horror, co-op & puzzle games are played most days with more...