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Penance RPG

Mar 18, 2018

An Island of magic, Something Calls ships here
An artefact of Demonic origin perhaps? Or something Greater to Fear..

This week the party free a stranded mage and attempt to discover the hidden secrets of an island..

Who is this Mysterious mage and why is he making those sounds?
What will Tensho Find in the bushes?
What Lurks down the old Ladder?
What are those “ropes” swinging across the bridge?
And how will it all end in danger this week?

Also this week – Tensho loses something important, Rivane Accepts the inevitable and Belry breaks a Table.

A New Season Begins, A Return to form
With Rocks and Puns and the occasional Fire storm
Back to what keeps us different, as the characters together Shine
We Bring you Episode 61 – Beasts & Belry Vines

Editor note: We had several weeks break between the end of Season 4 and the start of season 5 and as such everyone is a little more excitable and there’s a bit more talking over each other than usual. Also Rebecca was visiting family who occasionally started talking in the background, If we begin talking about background goblins, this is what we mean, Also someone had a REALLY clicky mouse. Apologies if any of this distracts from your usual enjoyment of the podcast

Also Yes. there was meant to be another line at the start of the intro. we Will fix that for next week 


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