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Penance RPG

Jul 30, 2017

This week, the party have an incident with some guards which leads to some serious consequences...
Also, Belry reveals a hidden feature, Rivane attempts to harness the power of literature and Tensho creates a vacuum.


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Jul 22, 2017

This week, the party encounter an ambushed caravan with a trail of destruction leading into the woods.... Also, Tensho puts his height to use, Stilgar makes a drastic decision & Belry becomes more charasmatic.

Also there are many, many bear puns this week. We can only retro-activly apologise... Hopefully you can bear...

Jul 16, 2017

This week the party follow some blood trails from the ghostly village to a small cave filled with bones...

Also this week - Belry reveals his connection to nature, Stillgar finds some wine & Rivane is stunned by a ceiling


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Jul 12, 2017

This week with no Ash or Dragon present, There is a distinct lack of sensible ideas... The remaining party arrive at a mysterious coastal settlement, is it really as empty as it seems?

Also this week: Stillgar refuses to believe his ears, Tensho reveals a secret identity & Rivane makes a new friend...



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Jul 8, 2017

This week its Jon's turn to DM and weave a story for your entertainment. The party find themselves investigating an old tower nestled deep amongst some vicious thorns.

Also: A curious item is uncovered, we ask can words really hurt & maybe there will finally be an answer to the ultimate question - Could it be...