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Penance RPG

Sep 26, 2018

It's Back! and Recorded in the same room this time..Come join a Slightly sleep deprived Belry, Jon, Nikoli, Mads and Alistair as they discuss why some of Belry's opinions are wrong from Animecast 2 and what would they choose to put into their own version of Anime Room 101... 




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Come talk...

Sep 2, 2018

We bring You all a Fourth Animecast Episode!
This week Nikoli is back and insists they actually state the name of each anime they cover.


So come join Graham, Ben & Daniel as they wander through the Forest of Anime explaining why some are good, some are awful and that Belry still cant get over how small the hands were...

Aug 26, 2018

So Nikoli Was away to a Music Festival, This Left Graham, Ben, Daniel and Jon in Charge of Recording Moar Animecast for you all!

Would you like to See More Animecast in the future? or maybe even submit anime to them for them to natter about, please tell us on Twitter

We Will be Putting a short list of all the Anime...

Jul 8, 2018

This was recorded Several Months ago when Nikoli was too ill to speak, so instead of missing out on a Recording session - We Allowed These idiots to talk about Anime again. This time we Attempted to test their Knowledge.


There Are Mild Spoilers for the Following:
Dragonball Super
Final Fantasy XV
Belry's Reputation as...

Mar 24, 2017

We decided to try something different... Armed with a few ideas, Ellie unleashed a concept onto Jon, Ben, Graham and non-PRPG'er Daniel "Sweetmouth" Bostrom - Could they, in their infinite wisdom and apparent free time. come up with a list of their favorite Anime?

So after Jon designed possibly the hardest to read image...