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Penance RPG

Jun 30, 2018

Demonic Magic, Lizards and Snakes
A Solution Perhaps to many Previous Mistakes...

The End of Series 1!This week the Party Arrive at the Mysterious Island that Apparently Jayne has made her Home...

Will Jay Actually Talk to them?
Will Ora continue to Dazzle onlookers with his Cuteness?
How Will the unnamed Rogue Cope...

Jun 23, 2018

A Source of Magic, Deep under the Earth
A Treacherous Elf seeks his Noble Rebirth

This Week the Party Investigate a Strange Magical Power Source...


How Will Tensho Cope in his new Heavyweight Body?
Will Mr. Bobbins Find something Useful in the Long Grass?
We Ask again, Is it a Tiger, or not a Tiger?
How Will Ora Cope...

Jun 17, 2018

The Bard Returns, Revenge is Sought,
Against the Demonic Fox, Vengeance is Brought

This week the Party Begin their Travels Aboard the Weatherwax, Northbound at High Speed!


What Is Causing the Parrot to Make Noises Below decks?
Can they Retrieve Tensho from the Clutches of the Mighty Sea Cow?
And if so, Will he ever...

Jun 10, 2018

This week is the Mighty Conclusion to the Zeppelin Tower Fiasco that Began Last Week.


Will Ora ask the wrong Person Questions?
Did Belry Enjoy his Lunch?
Can Anything Truly Make the Unnamed Rogue Smile Again?
What's Cap'n Ash's Plan to Avoid the Guards?
Will they Finally Get Answers from the Grumpy Elf?
What Will...

Jun 2, 2018

Something in the Water? A Strange Nostalgic Mood
Time for Jr. Boat Inspector Belry and his Offers of Food

This Week the Party Finally Arrive at the Barricade Around the Zeppelin Tower


How Can Tensho Cause so Much Carnage?
How Will The Unnamed Rogue Cope with Glimmers of their Past?
Will Belry accept a Polite...