Sep 30, 2018
I Hope Your sitting Comfortably, For this tale can go many different ways..
Welcome to the Penance Halloween Project 2018 – We Wrote a tale, based on our love on horror and storytelling, and We Opened it up to those of you out there who were brave enough to take up this quest…
13 Podcasts accepted our...
Sep 26, 2018
It's Back! and Recorded in the same room this time..Come join a Slightly sleep deprived Belry, Jon, Nikoli, Mads and Alistair as they discuss why some of Belry's opinions are wrong from Animecast 2 and what would they choose to put into their own version of Anime Room 101...
Learn more at
Come talk...
Sep 15, 2018
Twas the Night before Tabletop, and all through the
The Plot hooks were failing, But enough about that
We had Belry, Jon & Dragon and her friend named Greg
We had Norwegian Booze and beer by the Keg
So did we record the best thing you'll ever hear?
sadly... so, so sadly, Its nothing close i fear...
But you can...
Sep 8, 2018
Our Second Convention as a podcast, What did we think?
Overall Really good, a few small niggles but for its first year it
was very well done.
So lets quickly run through everything and what we honestly thought
of it including all the games we got to try, the seminars we
attended and where we think there could be room...
Sep 2, 2018
We bring You all a Fourth Animecast Episode!
This week Nikoli is back and insists they actually state the name
of each anime they cover.
So come join Graham, Ben & Daniel as they wander through the Forest of Anime explaining why some are good, some are awful and that Belry still cant get over how small the hands were...